Sunday, May 10, 2009

You and Me + 1 = 3!

On April 21st Shane came home to a little surprise. In it he found this!

A positive pregnancy test!

And little baby booties!
Yep! You guessed it! We're PREGNANT!
We're so excited. And the best part is... we're due on Christmas DAY!

We wanted to wait and tell our families on Mother's Day.
Turns out, Shane had a surprise for me as well.

A little baby onesie that says " I love my Mommy".
On Mother's Day we visited both our families. Mine in the morning and his in the evening. We gave my mom a gift...

This is what the card said and the next two pictures are what she found inside:

She was so excited that she didn't even finish reading the card out loud. Then she opened the gift and showed everyone else. It was a good surprise.

On the way to Shane's mom's we called his dad to tell him the news. Here's how the conversation went:

Dad: Yeah, we were thinking about coming to visit in December to see the grandchildren.
Shane: Well that would be a good time to come because by then you're going to have another grandchild.
Needless to say, he was pretty excited. =)
For Shane's Mom and Grandma, we gave them cards that said "love Shane, Jenny and Baby" They caught on right away... Like my mom, his mom couldn't finish reading out loud and started screaming. Once she got it out everyone congratulated us.
It was a fun day.
Tuesday is our first ultrasound where we'll get to see the our baby... even if it does only look like a blob. =)
We can't wait to welcome our little baby home.


Heather said...

Yeah! Yeah! Yeah!
We are going to have so much fun now planning for the new baby. Woot woot

Jill Rosenhan said...

AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!! I'm so excited for you guys!!! Your baby will be the cutest thing around! Happy first mothers day! We have to go celebrate now! I can't wait to find out what you're having!

shananchuck said...

Congrats!! I am so excited for you guys!! I had a feeling some good news was coming from you two! It will be good to have so many cousins born around the same time!

Hayley said...

First, so you don't think I'm a psycho- I'm Shane's cousin Hayley, I'm the daughter of Mark's sister Amy. I found your blog through Mark and Kim.

Congratulations on your impending arrival! Shane was always such a sweet kid, and I know he'll make a great dad. Good luck to you both!