Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Week 14 Ultrasound

As most of you already know, Jenny and I are having our first child. We are so excited and there is so much that we are finding out and learning. On June 18th we went to The Fetal &Women's Center and we had a level II ultrasound. It was really neat. The ultrasound technician measured the babies spine and made sure that it didn't show signs of downsyndrome and that he/she was growing at a healthy pace. She also asked us if we wanted to determine the sex of the baby. We said yes so she began to look around and she said that it looked like it was a 95% chance of being a boy. We were both stoked because we thought it would be awesome to have a boy but either way we would be just as happy. Everything else went well and Jenny is now in her 16th week so we are looking forward to the day that we have our first child.
Here are some of the ultrasound pictures:

1 comment:

The Haynies said...

Ohhh it looks like a baby now!!