Tuesday, February 3, 2009

The Job Search Continues...


So I was getting pretty annoyed when I started hearing the word "economy" everywhere. It didn't seem like such a big deal here in AZ. I was wrong.

I have a story for you. It's called Jenny the Job Hopper.

Once there was a girl named Jenny. She was a Job Hopper. She worked at University of Phoenix until she was almost fired. "You can't fire me! I quit!" So what did Jenny do? She hopped jobs.

Then little Jenny worked for an apartment with old people.... until they couldn't afford Jenny anymore. So she hopped jobs again.

Now Jenny is working for a company that wants her to work for free. Little Jenny didn't like this idea... so she will continue to hop her little heart out until one day, when she will find Prince Job; the fairest job in the land.

The End


Jonny and Brittany said...

Good luck girlie!!! I hope you find something soon! I know how hard it can be!

Heather said...

Yeah good luck on that one.
So sorry to hear that none of them are working out for you.
Have you tried UOP again?
I love your new background by the way.
It's super cute

Unknown said...

Goodluck girlie! It sucks! My husband is doing that right now too. But keep going!

shananchuck said...

Good Luck Jenny!